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Our Top 4 Diagnostic Kits Explained
22 June 2015
In the medical sector, diagnostic tests are used in the detection and diagnosis of diseases, whether it is to confirm the diagnosis of a disease or eliminate the disease possible causes of the illness…

How to maintain a hygienic Laboratory reducing the likelihood of Contamination
28 May 2015
Lack of a cleaning regime in a laboratory can cause not only samples to be spoiled but can cause a loss cost-wise. Simple steps in ensuring a clean and hygienic laboratory should be taken if results a…

Who can give Blood to who and why it's important to know!
21 May 2015
History of Blood Transfusions and Grouping The first blood transfusion took place in 1667 where blood from a sheep was transfused into a 15 year old boy. However after an influx of patients dying fr…

Blood Type Population by Country
19 May 2015
The most common blood type worldwide is type O. However when looking at blood type population by country, we can see a variety of different percentages. Hover over the map below to see the populatio…

Blood Grouping Techniques
29 April 2015
Blood grouping accuracy is vital in the treatment of many bleeding disorders, in surgery or because of major blood loss, but there are actually a few techniques used to provide blood grouping in diffe…