Recent Blog Posts

What are blood group reagents?
11 March 2015
Blood grouping reagents are solutions that can be used to determine ABO, Rhesus, Kell and MNS blood groups These classifications of human blood are all based on the presence or absence of certain anti…

What is enzyme immunoassay, and how does it work?
5 March 2015
Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) is now widely used as a diagnostic tool in various industries as well as medicine. They can also be used as analytical tools for detecting particular antigens or antibodies in…

Arab Health 2015 for Medical and Health Professionals
15 January 2015
This is an exciting year for Lorne labs with so much happening, and so many big events taking place. We are delighted to announce that Lorne Labs will be attending the Arab Health Congress at the end …

Rockland immunochemical - What is immunochemical?
24 November 2014
Immunochemistry involves the study of molecular mechanisms; it is the branch of biochemistry and concerns the immune system and responses. Lorne Labs have partnered with Rockland Immunochemical. Roc…
What is a Coombs' Test?
29 September 2014
Patients with insufficient amount of red blood cells in their body may experience fatigue, tiredness, cold hands and feet, pale skin and shortness of breath. Low red blood cells lead to the condition …