Blood Type Population by Country
19 May 2015
The most common blood type worldwide is type O. However when looking at blood type population by country, we can see a variety of different percentages.
Hover over the map below to see the population of each blood type by country.
Ethnic Groups and Minorities
Blood types vary with different racial and ethnical groups. For example there is a dominance of group A in eastern Europe, and a dominance of group B in countries around India.
It is clear to see the minority lies in those with blood type AB; with AB+ being the universal receiver meaning any type is suitable to give blood to them. AB is the newest blood type as type A created it and B mixing together (named intermingling).
Blood types in Asia are almost seen like star signs with each having their own characteristics, in some countries there are even diet plans for your blood type detailing the best way to stay healthy by adding or cutting out certain foods, this differs among the blood types.
The majority of the population does not know their blood type and who they can give blood to or receive blood from. But technology nowadays like our blood grouping reagent kits should mean more people will know their blood type and what it means.
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