Recent Blog Posts

Blood Supply and Demand: Meeting Blood needs Worldwide
9 September 2015
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), in order to maintain an adequate blood supply, 1-3% of the world's population needs to be blood donors. Whilst this may be an achievable figure in…

How Blood Storage has Impacted the World
25 August 2015
In our modern age, it is almost inconceivable to think of a world without a readily available supply of blood. Approximately 3.34 million blood products are transfused each year in the UK and many mor…

The Life Saving History of Blood Transfusion
25 August 2015
Today, blood transfusions are a standard medical procedure. They are used in everything from replacing blood lost in surgery to treating anaemia and inherited blood disorders. An enormous 8,000 units …

Nutritional and Non-Nutritional Anemia
24 June 2015
Anemia is a common condition where there is a low count of red blood cells circulating the body. This is due to low levels of iron which causes the blood to not have enough hemoglobin. There are vari…

Immunoassays Explained
23 June 2015
An Immunoassay is a chemical test used to detect or quantify a specific substance using an immunological reaction. Due to the use of antibodies and purified antigens, immunoassays are very sensitive a…