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Blood Tests For Autoimmune Diseases
11 July 2017
Autoimmune diseases occur when the body doesn’t differentiate between one’s own body cells and foreign cells. This then causes the body’s immune system to attack the body’s cel…

Red Book Standards
3 April 2017
What is the Red Book? The ‘Red Book’, is the colloquial name for the ‘Guidelines for the Blood Transfusion Services in the United Kingdom’. This book defines guidelines for a…

Significance of Alsever's Solution
7 March 2017
What is Alsever's Solution? Alsever’s Solution is a liquid used to as a suspension medium and stabilizer for red blood cells (also called erythrocytes). The solution contains: &bull…

Types of Exchange Transfusions
1 February 2017
Exchange Transfusions have been used since 1946; nowadays they are saving countless lives everyday. There are many different types of exchange transfusions that can be used as treatment for a variety …

A Guide to Exchange Transfusions
9 January 2017
Exchange transfusions were developed in 1946 by serologist Alexander Solomon Wiener to combat infant fatality. This development saved over 200,000 lives. Since then they have been used in treatments f…